Title | Contact | Enddate |
bi.smart | 30.06.2024 |
Data Sharing & Data Trading | 30.04.2025 |
Data Understanding | 30.06.2025 |
DL2030 | 31.03.2025 |
Nachhaltige intelligente Sanierungsmaßnahmen (NaiS) | 30.06.2026 |
Retaining Expert Knowledge with ML | 31.07.2025 |
Service Design Thinking | 30.06.2024 |
SHAPE | 31.12.2026 |
ZirkulEA | 30.09.2025 |
Title | Contact |
BigDieMo | |
DELFIN - Services for Electric Mobility | Carola Stryja, Peter Hottum, Niklas Kühl |
Data Literacy and Data Science | |
Data Value & Open Data | |
Service-Meister | |
Smart Design and Construction (SDaC) | |
Smart Technician Planning (STEP) | |
Vertical Integration Analytics | |
Virtual Sensors |