Daniel Heinz, M.Sc.
- Research Lab Lead
- 4B-01
CS 05.20 - +49 721 608-45633
- daniel heinz ∂ kit edu
- Kaiserstr. 89
76133 Karlsruhe
Daniel Heinz is Research Lab Lead of the Digital Service Design and Innovation Lab. He studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), including a semester abroad at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. In April 2020, he joined Prof. Satzger’s Digital Service Innovation (DSI) group at IISM/KSRI as a junior researcher during his master studies. After graduation, he continued his work in the DSI group as a research associate and doctoral student in May 2021. From October to December 2022, he worked with Assoc. Prof. Christoph Breidbach as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Queensland. Since December 2022 he is the Marketing and Communication Chair in the AIS SIG Services. Since March 2024, he heads one of the research labs at KSRI together with Carina Benz.
Research Focus
- Smart Service Systems & Service Ecosystems
- IoT-enabled Affordances for Digital Innovation
- Data-driven Services and Business Models
- Data Ecosystems and Digital Platforms
- Sustainable Digital Service Innovation (e.g., Circular Economy)
- SHAPE: Service Orchestration for Engineering and Piloting in Ecosystems (Website in Progress)
- ZirkulEA: Circularity of the electric powertrain through intelligent disassembly and traceability (go.wiwi.kit.edu/zirkulEA)
- bi.smart: Integrated Design of Smart Product-Service Systems in SMEs (www.bismart.info)
- Data Literacy and Data Science for SMEs: Education and Qualification (www.dataakademie.de) (completed)
- BigDieMo: Development of a Systematic Toolbox to Design Big Data services (www.bigdiemo.de) (completed)
- Digital Services: Innovation and Business Models (SS 2024)
- Digital Services: Innovation and Business Models (SS 2023)
- Student Innovation Lab (lecture on Digital Business Models in the course of 2022/23)
- Service Design Thinking (lecture on Digital Business Models in the course of 2022/23)
- Team-Project Management and Technology (SS 2022)
- Digital Services: Business Models and Transformation (WS 2021/22)
- Service Design Thinking (coaching of one student team in the courses of 2021/22)
- Digital Services: Business Models and Transformation (WS 2020/21)
- Coaching 15+ Bachelor and Master students in their thesis projects (since SS 2021)
Scholarships & Awards
- Best Paper Award Nominee at the International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2023, first author)
- Best Paper Award 1st Runner-Up at the International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2022, first author)
- KIT Research Travel Grant for an international research stay (2022)
- Scholar of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes” (2018 – 2021)
- First Place in the Industrial Data Science Challenge at KSRI (2020)
- Funding of the KIT Exchange Program for a semester abroad (2018)
If you are interested in writing a Bachelor or Master thesis, feel free to contact me at anytime.
Fassnacht, M.; Leimstoll, J.; Benz, C.; Heinz, D.; Satzger, G.
2024. Electronic markets, 34 (47), Article no: 47. doi:10.1007/s12525-024-00732-0
Sterk, F.; Stocker, A.; Heinz, D.; Weinhardt, C.
2024. Electronic Markets, 34 (1), Art-Nr.: 13. doi:10.1007/s12525-024-00692-5
Heinz, D.; Benz, C.; Bremmer, H.; Paliyenko, Y.; Schiller, C.
2024. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2024)
Fassnacht, M.; Benz, C.; Bode, J.; Heinz, D.; Satzger, G.
2024. ECIS 2024, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Fassnacht, M.; Sagnier Eckert, L.; Heinz, D.
2024. 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), Paphos, Cyprus, June 13–19, 2024
Heinz, D.; Molz, J.; Finner, A. S.; Fassnacht, M.; Benz, C.
2024, May 16. Circularity Days (2024), Wolfsburg, Germany, May 15–16, 2024
Spitzer, P.; Kühl, N.; Heinz, D.; Satzger, G.
2023. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7 (CSCW2), Art.-Nr.: 348. doi:10.1145/3610197
Sterk, F.; Heinz, D.; Hengstler, P.; Weinhardt, C.
2023. 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023), Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Heinz, D.; Hu, M.; Benz, C.; Satzger, G.
2023. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 18th - 21st September 2023, Paderborn
Heinz, D.; Luchner, P.; Benz, C.; Fassnacht, M. K.
2023. 25th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (IEEE CBI 2023), 1–10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI58679.2023.10187551
Paliyenko, Y.; Heinz, D.; Schiller, C.; Tüzün, G.-J.; Roth, D.; Kreimeyer, M.
2023. Proceedings of the Design Society: 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23)
Heinz, D.; Anke, J.
2023. Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Fassnacht, M. K.; Benz, C.; Heinz, D.; Leimstoll, J.; Satzger, G.
2023. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-56), 3695–3704, IEEE Computer Society
Andreassen, T. W.; Archibald, G.; Beekhuyzen, J.; Bongiovanni, I.; Brea, E.; Breidbach, C.; Burchill, K.; Burgers, H.; Cao, S.; Coote, L.; Coram, B.; Cunningham, C.; Feast, G.; Field, M.; Ford, J.; Fouche, L.; Gain, A.; Gooding, G.; Goyeneche Ramirez, D.; Green, T.; Gschwind, D.; Hall, T.; Hartley, N.; Heinz, D.; Hine, D.; Indulska, M.; Kapernick, B.; Kastelle, T.; Ko, R.; Kohlborn, T.; Krishnan, P.; Kriz, A.; Lowe, J.; MacAulay, S. C.; Maglio, P.; Magor, T.; Mair, J.; Mathur, S.; McColl-Kennedy, J.; Nagel, D.; O’Kane, S.; O’Rourke, A.-M.; Pavey, S.; Phillips, T.; Risius, M.; Ritchie, B.; Robinson, R.; Scarsbrook, J.; Septianto, F.; Sigrist, R.; Sisodia, A.; Smith, A.; Sobus, J.; Solnet, D.; Statton, G.; Stockdale, D.; Tarbit, J.; Vassallo, D.; Verreynne, M.-L.; Williams, O.; Witheriff, M.; Yan, H.; Yang, J.; Zhang, W.
2023. The University of Queensland. doi:10.14264/aed4918
Spitzer, P.; Kühl, N.; Heinz, D.; Satzger, G.
2023. doi:10.5445/IR/1000158546
Fassnacht, M. K.; Benz, C.; Heinz, D.
2023. 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Kristiansand, Norway, June 11–16, 2023
Heinz, D.; Freudenmann, T.
2023, May 23. Konferenz system:ability: Systeme von morgen gestalten! (2023), Paderborn, Germany, May 23–24, 2023
Heinz, D.; Benz, C.; Silbernagel, R.; Molins, B.; Satzger, G.; Lanza, G.
2022. Procedia CIRP, 107, 113–118. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2022.04.019
Heinz, D.; Benz, C.; Bode, J.; Hunke, F.; Satzger, G.
2022. Journal of Service Management Research (SMR), 6 (2), 132–146. doi:10.5771/2511-8676-2022-2-132
Hunke, F.; Heinz, D.; Satzger, G.
2022. Electronic markets, 32, 503–521. doi:10.1007/s12525-021-00506-y
Sterk, F.; Heinz, D.; Peukert, C.; Fleuchaus, F.; Kölbel, T.; Weinhardt, C.
2022. 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Heinz, D.; Breidbach, C. F.; Benz, C.; Satzger, G.
2022. 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Heinz, D.; Benz, C.; Fassnacht, M. K.; Satzger, G.
2022. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2022, 5th - 9th July 2022: Proceedings, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Heinz, D.; Park, H.-R.; Benz, C.; Satzger, G.
2022. 24th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (IEEE CBI 2022), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI54897.2022.10046
Heinz, D.; Benz, C.; Hunke, F.; Satzger, G.
2022. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), [15 S.]
Heinz, D.; Breidbach, C. F.
2022, November 21. University of Queensland Business School / UQ BIS Conference (2022), Brisbane, Australia, November 21–23, 2022
Heinz, D.
2022, July 13. Advanced Systems Engineering Summit (2022), Stuttgart, Germany, July 12–13, 2022
Heinz, D.; Paliyenko, Y.; Schiller, C.; Benz, C.; Roth, D.
2022, August 25. 3rd International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS 2022), Bielefeld, Germany, August 25–26, 2022
Heinz, D.
2022, February 18. 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2022), Online, February 21–23, 2022
Heinz, D.; Hunke, F.; Breitschopf, G. F.
2021. Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume II: A Collection of Latest Research on Technology Issues. Ed.: F. Ahlemann, 548–564, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-86797-3_36
Schemmer, M.; Heinz, D.; Baier, L.; Vössing, M.; Kühl, N.
2021. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 14 - 16, 2021
Heinz, D.; Hunke, F.; Breitschopf, G. F.
2021. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
Heinz, D.
2021, December 12. Pre-ICIS Workshop on Service and Information Systems Research for a Better Future (SIG SVC 2021), Online, December 12, 2021
Heinz, D.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000086372