
Dr. Carola Stryja


Journal Articles
Digital nudging to overcome cognitive resistance in innovation adoption decisions
Stryja, C.; Satzger, G.
2019. The service industries journal, 39 (15-16), 1123–1139. doi:10.1080/02642069.2018.1534960
Conference Papers
Nudged to Unload: Applying Choice Architecture to Prevent Cognitive Overload of Participants in Open Idea Evaluation
Benz, C.; Stryja, C.
2019. Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Journal Articles
White Spots in Business and IT: An Explorative Study for E-Mobility Services
Martin, D.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.; Haude, J.
2018. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 9 (2). doi:10.3390/wevj9020027
Conference Papers
How to motivate consumers to test electric vehicles-An approach to design consumer interfaces to foster innovation adoption
Benz, C.; Stryja, C.
2018. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 : data driven X - turning data into value, Leuphana Unversität Lüneburg, 6.-9. März 2018. Ed.: Paul Drews, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
How to motivate consumers to test electric vehicles : An approach to design consumer interfaces to foster innovation adoption
Benz, C.; Stryja, C.
2018. Tagungsband : Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 : Data driven X - Turning Data into Value, Band III, Lüneburg, Deutschland, 6. - 9. März 2018. Hrsg.: P. Drews, 1039–1050, Leuphana Univerisität : Lüneburg
PhD Theses
Cognitive innovation resistance: a digital nudging approach to manage the irrationality in innovation decision making. PhD dissertation
Stryja, C.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Conference Papers
White spots in business and IT : An explorative study for e-mobility services
Martin, D.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.; Haude, J.
2017. 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany, 9th - 11th October 2017
A Decision Support System Design to Overcome Resistance towards Sustainable Innovations
Stryja, C.; Satzger, G.; Dorner, V.
2017. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal, 5th - 10th June 2017, 2885–2895, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Overcoming Innovation Resistance beyond Status Quo Bias : A Decision Support System Approach (Research-in-Progress)
Stryja, C.; Dorner, V.; Riefle, L.
2017. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa Village, HI January 4-7, 2017, 567–576, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Choice design as key to technology adoption - A research agenda in the domain of electric cars
Stryja, C.; Dorner, V.
2017. Proceedings of the Second KSS Research Workshop : Karlsruhe, Germany, February 2016. Ed.: P. Hottum, 26–38, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Journal Articles
Methods to Identify User Needs and Decision Mechanisms for the Adoption of Electric Vehicles
Ensslen, A.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.; Jochem, P.
2016. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 8 (3), 667–678. doi:10.3390/wevj8030673
Conference Papers
Methods to Identify User Needs and Decision Mechanisms for the Adoption of Electric Vehicles
Ensslen, A.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.; Jochem, P.
2016. Proceedings of EVS29 Symposium, Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 19-22, 2016
Conference Papers
On the Necessity and Nature of E-Mobility Services : Towards a Service Description Framework
Stryja, C.; Fromm, H.; Ried, S.; Jochem, P.; Fichtner, W.
2015. Exploring Services Science, IESS 2015, 6th International Conference, Porto, Portugal, 4th - 6th February 2015 Proceedings. Ed.: H. Nóvoa, 109–122, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14980-6_9
Entwicklung eines Frameworks zur Beschreibung von Geschäftsmodellen für Elektromobilitätsdienstleistungen
Stryja, C.; Schüritz, R.; Kühl, N.; Hottum, P.; Satzger, G.
2015. Energiesysteme im Wandel: Evolution oder Revolution? 9. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, IEWT, Wien, Österreich, 11 - 13. Februar 2015, 1–17
Book Chapters
Dienstleistungen für Elektromobilität : Netzwerke und Allianzen
Hottum, P.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.
2015. Dienstleistungen für Elektromobilität : Ergebnisse einer Expertenstudie. Hrsg.: S. Lamberth-Cocca, 47–61, Fraunhofer Verlag
Netzwerke und Allianzen
Hottum, P.; Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.
2015. Dienstleistungen für Elektromobilität - Ergebnisse einer Expertenstudie, 47–60, Fraunhofer Verlag
Entwurf eines Bewertungsframeworks für IT-gestützte Elektromobilitätsdienstleistungen
Kühl, N.; Stryja, C.
2015. Dienstleistungsinnovationen für Elektromobilität. Märkte, Geschäftsmodelle, Kooperationen. Hrsg.: D. Beverungen, 25–40, Fraunhofer Verlag
Conference Papers
Assessing service innovation capabilities - an empirically grounded approach
Stryja, C.; Kohler, M.; Fromm, H.
2013. 6th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE 2013) : Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Oxford, United Kingdom, 29-30 August 2013, Conference Proceedings