
Björn is a senior data scientist and team lead in the data science and machine learning practice of IBM Services. In his role Björn supports clients in envisioning, developing and operating novel data-driven products and services. Working in the field of Artificial Intelligence, he combines strong technical expertise in data science and machine learning with profound industry expertise. He has more than 6 years of professional experience in research, development and consulting roles and holds a PhD in Information Systems and a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).


Journal Articles
PhD Theses
Industrial service contracting: managing uncertainty at contract design and delivery. PhD dissertation
Schmitz, B.
2018. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
Conference Papers
Towards a Technician Marketplace using Capacity-Based Pricing
Wolff, C.; Vössing, M.; Schmitz, B.; Fromm, H.
2018. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, United States, 3rd - 6th January 2018 
Towards Service-oriented Cognitive Analytics for Smart Service Systems
Hirt, R.; Kühl, N.; Schmitz, B.; Satzger, G.
2018. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, United States, 3rd - 6th January 2018 
Conference Papers
Mining Industrial Logs for System Level Insights
Czora, S.; Dix, M.; Fromm, H.; Klöpper, B.; Schmitz, B.
2017. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs „Datenbanken und Informationssysteme“ (DBIS), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 6. - 10. März 2017. Hrsg.: B. Mitschang, 57–64, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) 
Determining cost-optimal availability for production equipment using service level engineering
Wolff, C.; Schmitz, B.
2017. 19th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2017; Thessaloniki; Greece; 24 July 2017 through 27 July 2017. Ed.: B. Theodoulidis, 176–185, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI.2017.47
More Observations, More Variables or More Quality? - Data Acquisition Strategies to Enhance Uncertainty Analytics for Industrial Service Contracting
Schmitz, B.; Satzger, G.; Gitzel, R.
2017. 8th International Conference on Exploring Service Science, IESS 2017; Rome; Italy; 24 May 2017 through 26 May 2017. Ed. : M. Dragoicea, 159–172, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56925-3_13
Journal Articles
Industrial Services as a Research Discipline
Gitzel, R.; Schmitz, B.; Fromm, H.; Isaksson, A.; Setzer, T.
2016. Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, 11 (4), 1–22. doi:10.18417/emisa.11.4
Conference Papers
Deriving System Level Insights from Mining Industrial Log Data
Schmitz, B.; Fromm, H.; Czora, S.; Dix, M.; Klöpper, B.
2016. Proceedings of the 1st Smart Data Innovation Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 12th - 13th October 2016, 42–44 
A data quality metrics hierarchy for reliability data
Gitzel, R.; Turrin, S.; Maczey, S.; Wu, S.; Schmitz, B.
2016. 9th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), London, UK, 12th - 14th July 2016 
Managing Uncertainty in Industrial Full Service Contracts: Digital Support for Design and Delivery
Schmitz, B.; Duffort, F.; Satzger, G.
2016. 2016 IEEE 18th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), Paris, France, 29 August–1 September 2016, 123–132, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CBI.2016.22
Business Analytics for Managing Uncertainties in Industrial Service Contracts
Vössing, M.; Schmitz, B.
2016. Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany, 30th August - 2nd September 2016 
Book Chapters
Service Research
Cardoso, J.; Schmitz, B.; Kieninger, A.
2015. Fundamentals of Service Systems. Ed.: J. Cardoso, 325–357, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23195-2_10
Service Innovation
Kohler, M.; Schmitz, B.; Neus, A.
2015. Fundamentals of Service Systems. ed.: J. Cardoso, 75–103, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23195-2_3
Conference Papers
What is "Industrial Service"? A Discussion Paper
Schmitz, B.; Gitzel, R.; Fromm, H.; Setzer, T.; Isaksson, A.
2015. Proceedings of the First Karlsruhe Service Summit Workshop - Advances in Service Research, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 2015. Ed.: R. Görlitz, 113–122, KIT Scientific Publishing 
Conference Papers
Towards the Consideration of Performance Risks for the Design of Service Offers
Schmitz, B.; Kieninger, A.; Satzger, G.; Fromm, H.
2014. Exploring Services Science - 5th International Conference (IESS’14), Geneva, Schweiz, February 5-7, 2014. Ed.: M. Snene, 108–123, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04810-9_9
Conference Papers
Leveraging Service Incident Analytics to Determine Cost-Optimal Service Offers
Kieninger, A.; Straeten, D.; Kimbrough, S.; Schmitz, B.; Satzger, G.
2013. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013), Volume 2, Leipzig, Germany, 27th February - 1st March 2013. Ed.: R. Alt, 1015–1029, Universität Leipzig 
Incorporating Business Impact into Service Offers - A Procedure to Select Cost-Optimal Service Contracts
Kieninger, A.; Schmitz, B.; Straeten, D.; Satzger, G.
2013. 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA, 9 - 12 August 2012. Ed.: Association for Information Systems, Curran 
Journal Articles
Business Cost Budgets - A Methodology to Incorporate Business Impact into Service Level Agreements
Kieninger, A.; Satzger, G.; Straeten, D.; Schmitz, B.; Balthadzhiev, D.
2012. International journal of service science, management, engineering, and technology, 3 (3), 49–64. doi:10.4018/jssmet.2012070104
Conference Papers
Towards Service Level Engineering for IT Services - Defining IT Services from a Line of Business Perspective
Kieninger, A.; Balthadzhiev, D.; Schmitz, B.; Satzger, G.
2011. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual SRII Global Conference (SRII 2011), San Jose/California, USA, March 29 2011 - April 2 2011, 759–766, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/SRII.2011.83