Linda Sagnier Eckert, M.Sc.

Linda Sagnier Eckert, M.Sc.

  • Kaiserstr. 89

    D - 76133 Karlsruhe


Linda Sagnier graduated from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management. During her master’s studies, she participated in the Service Design Thinking program at KSRI and continued as a teaching assistant until graduating. Focusing on the topic of circular economy, her master's thesis led her to join the Digital Service Design and Innovation Lab in April 2024 as a research associate. Here, she explores circular economy in the context of the project ZirkulEA, particularly focusing on electric powertrains examining intelligent disassembly and traceability.

Research Focus

  • Traceability in Circular Economies
  • Data Ecosystems for Circular Economy


